Director's Message
Today Computers have been important factor to society bcause of the way they are used towards education,government,internet and etc. MOst of the people want to buy a computer to be able to us internet. With internet you could chat with people all over the world , research information , buy and order supplies, food, computers , movies ,clothing and etc, so having internet in computers is very helpfull for many. In this 21st century will be difficult to live without computers. BCSP is doing every thing to help male this vision a reality.
Computer literacy program has been designed for self motivated and disciplined people who have a desire to learn about computers. Woman aspiring to be SELF RELIANT OR HOUSEWIVES wanting to assist in the family BUsiness , or HELP CHILDREN in their computer studies will be benefitted most. BCSP is organized by Gyan Bharti InfoTech(Pvt.) Ltd. Pioneer in spreading computer literacy.